๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฎ obad [NM], goveji obad [NM][NP], brencelj, brecelj [NM]


🇫🇷 (un, le) taon [NM], (une, la) mouche à cheval [NF][NP][Québec]

Related term(s): kri, krvoses, muha, sesati, živina, žuželka

IPA pronunciation: [tɑ̃, tɔ̃],[muʃ a ʃə.val]
Grammar: [PLUR] des/les taons
Example(s) of use: « Les zèbres le savaient déjà : les rayures font fuir les taons », Le Figaro [🇫🇷] (17/01/2019)
Expressions, idioms: quelle mouche l’a piqué ? (taon) [EXPR]
Literally meaning: [🇸🇮] le kaj ga je pičilo, da je take volje; [🇬🇧] what’s got into him?, what’s bitten him?, what the hell’s going on with him?
Synonyms or related terms: diptère, hématophage, insecte, mouche, œstre, piqure, sang, sucer, taonner
Pivot language: [🇬🇧] horsefly, gadfly, cleg
In other languages: [LAT] Tabanidae, Tabanus bovinus